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Thursday, January 30, 2014

How Dollar Stores Make Money from Liquidated Products

How Dollar Stores Make Money from Liquidated Products

By Clifford  Woods

In most cases, people avoid buying products at the dollar store due to the simple fact that it is an unpopular place to shop. Though, ever since the economy has started to decline, more and more people have realized that dollar stores are the smart place to shop as it is a place that can save them a lot of money, especially in the long run.

How Dollar Stores Make Money from Liquidated Products
About Dollar Store Chains
Throughout a financial recession, on the other hand, saving money by purchasing cheaper products will become more desirable and sensible. In the fall of 2008, as the economy began to decline, investors and owners of dollar stores had reason to celebrate.

The best investment of 2008 among the list of the ever popular "Standard and Poor's 500 stock index" was in fact Family Dollar, with the symbol of FDO, which increased in worth by about 45% while the index in general dropped around 40%.

Cleaning soap along with other items that stimulate brand name loyalty can be quite difficult to sell for customers whenever they're flush with money. However when costs upsurge in combination with a downturn in the economy, like they did during autumn of 2008, brand loyalty will lose to financial savings.

Due to this fact, the negative judgment that people make about shopping at dollar stores lessens. Given that all of us are financially unstable all at once and for exactly the same causes, frugality makes a trend. Financial downturns also add to the good results of dollar stores throughout the market via huge liquidations.

Whenever consumers become more and more frugal in an unpredictable economy, low cost merchants pick up products in addition to new customers. Large retailers that fail or close shops in the course of a crisis will sell their stock to recover costs. Dollar store stores take the liquidated products and sell it off at an even greater price cut for their customers.

How Dollar Stores Make Money from Liquidated ProductsHow Dollar Stores Make Money
Generally, dollar stores continue to keep costs low by means of taking advantage of special techniques that save money by cutting costs. 

Dollar Tree, the only real nationwide store that markets items for just a dollar, reduces their expenses by marketing products in small sizes and distributing scheduled deliveries throughout the week.

Similar stores have taken to marketing some products for a single dollar while others, well-known brands for example, for the average retail price. Some merchandise, such as higher priced electronics, simply are not sold in dollar stores unless of course they have been liquidated from a company that went out of business. Key low cost chains also reduce expenses by importing a great deal of their products from foreign countries like China.

Customer reports mentioned various kinds of items that dollar store shoppers should stay away from. Those who want to get into wholesaling as a business should also take note that products like off-brand batteries that leak acid, lead found in a lot of children's lunchboxes, and dangerous electrical items that were not made under proper guidelines should be avoided and do not sell well.

Merchandise security, as opposed to brand loyalty, will not matter during hard financial times, which is one reason why dollar stores will be popular when you want to reduce your expenses.

Therefore, the very next time you pay a visit to your neighborhood dollar shop, buy with full confidence understanding that they're not going to be going out of business anytime in the near future. As the economy continues to stay unpredictable, and wholesale dollar store providers continue to have an income in manufacturing the products which they offer, dollar stores will certainly keep on thriving.

Clifford Woods is the owner of Rapid-Liquidations
Clifford Woods is the owner of Rapid-Liquidations
We buy complete inventories of unwanted or discontinued consumer merchandise for cash and sell complete inventories of consumer merchandise at about 15 to 20% of retails prices!
If you are interested, we also have a complete, easy-to-follow manual on how to get started in this business yourself.

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