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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Some Basic Liquidation Terms to Know

Some Basic Liquidation Terms to Know 

By Clifford Woods
If you plan on starting your own liquidation business, you will come across many different terms that you may not have before. For this reason, described below are some of the most common terms used in the liquidation business.

Whenever a business or company goes bankrupt, its resources and goods are sold and the earnings pay the creditors. Any kind of leftovers are dispersed to investors. Creditors liquidate stocks in an attempt to obtain all of the money that are due to them. They usually have first claim to all the resources and items to be sold. Once creditors have been paid, the shareholders receive anything that is left. Preferred investors have priority over common investors. 

A liquidated product is one that is sold due to a new product line or excessive stock. These goods can be purchased for a lower cost and sold at your own price. Basically liquidation is getting rid of stock at below retail, wholesale or even manufacturing costs; for whatever reason.

A liquidator is a person or business that liquidates resources and products. More particularly, a liquidator is the term for an expert that is specifically designated to liquidate the assets of a business. The liquidator is allowed to act as the owner of the business for various functions and decisions.

Liquidators tend to be employed whenever a company goes broke. Among the primary tasks of most liquidators is to provide and defend against legal cases. Many other jobs include gathering unpaid receivables, settling financial debts, and carrying out all other termination processes. Also, a liquidator is anyone that sell stock at below retail, wholesale or even manufacturing costs; for whatever reason.

When a manufacturer creates consumer goods for use or sale through the use of manual labor or machines. The term specifically refers to making something into a finished product using raw materials, especially on a large industrial scale.

This term is used to describe a sale to people apart from normal in-store shoppers. Wholesaling typically involves the selling of goods to stores, bulk suppliers, and vendors as well as to commercial and industrial organizations. 

A wholesaler may work as a middleman, managing deals among various companies and industrial organizations. Wholesaling frequently takes place whenever a lot of products have to be re manufactured, organized, then repackaged and sent out in smaller sized groups.

Consumer Goods
These are merchandise that are bought for usage by the regular consumer. They are also known as "final goods" and what a customer might find on the store shelf. Foods, vehicles, home furnishings, clothing, and any other product you might find at a retail store are all considered consumer goods. 

Materials like copper are generally not referred to as consumer goods since they have to be changed into something else to become usable merchandise at a consumer level. These are basically goods that are bought by consumers and are not used to produce other goods.

A closeout, typically known as a clearance, is the last selling of a product or merchandise to zero out a supply of goods. It might be a type of item which is not selling properly, is an old product line, or it may be a final sale due to the closure of a store as a result of bankruptcy or a move.

If the reason is due to a bankruptcy, then it is also called a liquidation sale. Essentially a sale of goods at low prices because a store wants to get rid of them.
rapid liquidations

Clifford Woods is the owner of Rapid-Liquidations.
If you are interested, we also have a complete,
easy-to-follow manual on how to get started in this business yourself.

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